March 2024: Overshot Namedraft

Woven by Julia Ceffalo

The Seattle Weavers Guild voted to have a booth at the 2023 ANWG Convention in Bend, Oregon. The booth committee decided to decorate the booth with towels woven using namedrafts of the members’ home cities.

This sample is based on a namedraft of “Carlsborg” and its reverse, “grobslrac.” The draft is for the rosepath version (diagonals). For more details, see notes on the drawdown.

Warp: 12/2 natural cotton in natural

Weft: 8/2 cotton by Maurice Brassard in the 2023 ANWG color assigned by the booth committee to the “North” group (peacock blue).

Warp count: approximately 400 ends

Sett: 20 epi and ppi

Treadling: tromp as writ, using tabby

Loom: Macomber 24-inch 8-harness Baby Mac

Drawdown (.PDF)


April 2024: Summer and Winter Wine Bottles


February 2024: Doubleweave Pockets