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Afternoon Program: Video: 1/4 Mastercrafts - 5. Weaving

Let’s get ready for a British Invasion of the weaving kind!  Since we have Janet Phillips gracing us with her morning program, we will continue as an afternoon program with a BBC documentary featuring master weaver Margo Selby of the UK.  In this film Margo takes on three students new to weaving and guides them through the process. It’s interesting to compare our own learning strategies with these three and a delight to follow them to a final public show and sale of their creations.   We hope you’ll join us for an easy afternoon of viewing. Bring the popcorn.

This video replaces Janet's afternoon program due to the time difference between UK and Seattle and what would be an excessively late hour for Janet.


January 26

Morning Program: Janet Phillips - My Life as a Weaver

February 23

Morning Program: Rebecca Winter - Powell Shadow Weave Part I