Morning (11AM): “Wire as Fiber - An Artist's Tale”
Afternoon (1PM): “Fiber Art: Become the Artist You Want to Be”
Wire as Fiber - An Artist's Tale: info pending
Fiber Art: Become the Artist You Want to Be: info pending
About Christine:
Christine’s explorations began in traditional fiber processes: crochet, sewing, knitting and embroidery. She began weaving at age 19 and this process has been central to her artistic creations. The interlacement of wire with fiber intrigued her to the degree that she explored weaving with wire solely for the last 30 years. The woven metal fabric that results from weaving wire and fiber together creates a unique art material she is able to utilize in sculptural expressions. Her work explores space and line, in the undulating forms she creates. The process allows her to draw from traditional hand weaving techniques and structures that are re-interpreted into exciting contemporary sculptural forms. The dance between the wire and the fiber produces a material that is hard enough to maintain a shape, but soft enough to have gentle curves and planes.