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Morning Program: Annie MacHale - Narrow But Not Limited

Because the inkle loom is a simple divide designed to make very narrow, warp-faced pieces, its true potential is often overlooked. People frequently ask "What can you do with an inkle loom, anyway? Annie MacHale has spent over four decades exploring the possibilities and loves to inspire others to join her in the adventure. She will share many stories of her inspiration and creation and show a diverse array of items produced on her inkle looms.


About Annie:


At the age of seventeen, Annie MacHale first discovered the inkle loom, sparking a lifelong love affair. She built her first loom in 1976 with the help of her dad and a library book. Since then she’s woven miles of bands. She loves to play with color and pattern and finds the inkle loom a very satisfying way to do this. Annie is known to many through her blog. The popularity of her patterns shared there has led to the 2019 publication of a book, “In Celebration of Plain Weave: Color and Design Inspiration for Inkle Weavers”. This was followed by another book in 2021, “Three-Color Pickup for Inkle Weavers” in which she shares a rare, older Lithuanian technique which has fallen out of use.

February 25

Workshop: Alex Friedman - Ripples Away

March 24

Afternoon Program: Annie MacHale - Color & Design Inspiration for Woven Bands