Morning (11AM): “Member Spotlight” featuring four SWG Weavers
Afternoon (1PM): SWG Fashion Show
Morning Program: “Member Spotlight” featuring four SWG Weavers.
This program will feature four SWG members sharing information and images of their own work. While the presentations will be short (15 minutes each), each will stimulate ideas for further exploration in our own projects. Join us, and let the journey of other weavers become a rich resource for your own weaving imagination!
Allyce Wood: "Digital Jacquard Tapestry - Weaving Coded Images in Norway, Iceland, and Ohio"
Gabi Nirino: “Always In Between”
Jennifer Shuster: "TIFF, Text, Textiles and Technology: Loom controlled imagery and words”
Sarah Kaltsounis: "Northwest Coast Weaving"
Supplemental Info re. Northwest Coast Weaving (pdf)
Afternoon Program: SWG Fashion Show
Seattle Fashion Week, well…. Day!
Not Valentino, not Gucci, not Dior, but Weavers, like YOU!
And maybe not even “FASHION”, but Handwoven Wearables.
Please show us handwoven garments woven you have made anytime in the past years. Vintage garments are encouraged.
More than one to share? Take two turns or ask a friend to model. All you have to do is complete this form so that we can read about your work – this is very informal. No prep, just come and share.
Please print out the form and bring it with you. One form per garment.
(image from Mimi Anderson)